
Simple Guacamole Recipe

Looking for a simple, delicious guacamole base that your kids will eat? You can add spice to your own batch, but this one's plain delicious and even toddlers will eat...

Simple Guacamole Recipe

Looking for a simple, delicious guacamole base that your kids will eat? You can add spice to your own batch, but this one's plain delicious and even toddlers will eat...

Summer & June Gloom

My Summer Finch for the Finch & Foxglove site! Did you know about June Gloom in Southern California? I just learned about it at the end of last month. I...

Summer & June Gloom

My Summer Finch for the Finch & Foxglove site! Did you know about June Gloom in Southern California? I just learned about it at the end of last month. I...

Poster for the Global Art Gathering in Brighton

I decided to get painterly again! And it was fun. For those process-lovers... I started out with marker and quick-sketched lots of different concepts.  Here are my faves: At first,...

Poster for the Global Art Gathering in Brighton

I decided to get painterly again! And it was fun. For those process-lovers... I started out with marker and quick-sketched lots of different concepts.  Here are my faves: At first,...