Postcards from Outside My Window


Originally written for Rock + Purl's Blog here

Outside my window there is a canal.

I moved to Amsterdam at the end of December 2011.  I photographed the view outside my window every month, and it helped me adapt to my new home.  These photos I organized like postcards to share with you.

December & January
We chose this apartment because of the view.  The balcony and main windows look out onto a canal and everyone loves to visit it.  Later in January, the canal turned to ice, but not knowing how deep it was, I did not try to walk on it.

Cold winds made beautiful patterns on the frozen water.  People from the neighborhood swept the snow to the center of the canal and people skated merrily, had snow fights, and bruised their butts when they fell.

What a crazy burst of color!  I bought some bulbs, 3 for 3 EUR to decorate my window.  They bloomed faster than I could have dreamed.  The hyacinths had the most wonderful scent.

This month was confusion.  Cold, wet, and rainy, splendid sunny days, clothing ranged from winter coats to shorts.  The grass stayed green, the skies wavered between blue and grey.

Big changes are coming. The weather seems to be shifting toward warmth, but the only constant is change.  I'll be packing and getting ready to move once again...  I hope my next view is as nice as this one.
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