Zig Zag Quilt Finished!
Happy Easter! And, happy finished Zig-Zag Quilt!
The FMQ foot for my new machine is still on back-order so I decided I should just stop waiting and finish the quilt. So... I did!
I used a couple of tools to help me finish the quilt which I can recommend...
The FMQ foot for my new machine is still on back-order so I decided I should just stop waiting and finish the quilt. So... I did!
I used a couple of tools to help me finish the quilt which I can recommend...
Firstly, I used the Robert Kaufmann Android phone app to help me calculate how much fabric I needed for binding and sashing. You can find that here. For i-phones you can find it on i-tunes.
Secondly, I used this tutorial to get a kind of hand cross-stitch look with a plain old zig-zag stitch on my sewing machine using this tutorial here.
It looks like this when finished...
On the front, the finish is invisible, but the back has a pseudo-cross-stitch look which I really like!
It looks like this when finished...
On the front, the finish is invisible, but the back has a pseudo-cross-stitch look which I really like!
And, that's about it. I cut the striped binding fabric across the stripes so it would make a checkered border, and echo quilted the zig-zags to add some interest and structure. I'm really pleased with how it came out, and hopefully the baby will enjoy crawling on it and being cozy in it! I'll post a tutorial in case you all want to make your own zig-zag quilt. It's fairly straightforward.