MMM 2014 Wrap-Up and Thoughts
Wow! I'm still trying to catch my breath after a whirlwind month. May 2014 totally kicked my butt! I'm still reeling from giving birth, and the steep learning curve that is early motherhood. I don't know if I'll ever have a real sleep routine again, but I'm at least getting some shut-eye and getting out and about a bit more.
As a result of all the new routines in my life, MMM 2014 took a bit of a back seat. I definitely wore mostly second-hand and me-made items, but I had trouble keeping up with photographing and posting regularly. I think I may have to use my mobile phone a bit more to photograph. Surprisingly enough, with the help of my parents being in town, I was able to make new items! I made a white sleeveless nursing top with some success and I even finished a Baby Surprise Jacket for the little dude.
Project: White sleeveless nursing top
Pattern: Simplicity 2317 - with a LOT of modifications to Top "A"
Things to change for next time - choose a smaller size! I added darts to the bust, overlapped the top to make a nursing tank, drafted a higher back.
This year's MMM definitely made me realize that I inherited lots of maternity clothes, but very few nursing tops so my goal is to make some nice, fashionable nursing tops to get me through the summer and fall. My jelly belly is also quickly shrinking and all my favorite maternity trousers are getting too loose. Believe it or not, I'll miss a lot of those clothes - they're so comfy! Perhaps it's time to bring back my old clothes? We shall see. Even though I'm shrinking, my body has changed a lot and I will likely have to make some new items or adjust old ones. And, I also realized I need a hands-free way to hold the little dude. I use a wrap when I'm going out, but I think I need to make a sling or something that's a bit faster to get him in and out of... perhaps learn new wrap ties, too. So many goals!