Juicy June Progress



Juicy June Update

We're more than halfway through Juicy June, an effort started by Este MacLeod to brighten up our Instagram feeds with art in every color of the rainbow. And as you can see, I've been painting right along on some miniature canvases! I've painted little suns, and mini-pineapples, a peace dove, fast food items, a sweet pale pink flamingo, and a somewhat boastful giraffe. And now these little visual delights are in the shop.






I'm trying to clear a bit of room in my studio, raising funds for the next workshop, so I'm offering them up for sale first to you all, dear readers, before they go in the local gallery. They'll be hanging up at the Green Circle Art Gallery in Cocoa Village at month's end.

SCBWI - Kid's Books Illustration Goal Update

Last week, I went to my first SCBWI conference, and it went really well. The one I attended was the mid-year Florida regional conference in Orlando so it wasn't too far away. I took the Illustrator Intensive track and also chose to add on a 1:1 portfolio review with the Art Director from Viking Press! I'm so glad I did that. And, I'm also so very glad I brought my commercial portfolio. My reviewer loved it!

The Illustrator Intensive was taught half by Viking Art Director, Nancy Brennan, and half by Floyd Cooper, illustrator extraordinaire. Seriously, check out his work, he's amazing. Classmates from the class were ranging in experience from 'newly minted' illustrator to veteran, lifetime illustrators with many titles under their belts. The course covered how art directors look at illustrators work, how they are commissioned to a picture book, and the process by which the team publishes a book. It was extremely informative to me, a relative newcomer to the industry.

I shared my homework for the intensive which was to retell a nursery rhyme in a new way. I chose Twinkle, Twinkle... I did this piece in less than a week! I wasn't sure until after Blueprint show in May whether I'd be able to swing the conference, so I didn't want to commit unless I was sure I could deliver, you know? But, it all worked out. Here's my homework:


I received lots of really positive feedback on my work and my portfolio, and I picked up a few tricks from my classmates and teachers at the conference. I also really enjoyed networking in this environment and displaying my portfolio by itself. I may add a feedback box next time. :) I want to know what people thought!

As for specific feedback on my homework assignment... I've got lots to refine, but first I'm in the 2nd week of my Highlights workshop to revise my manuscript. This is the workshop I mentioned in the newsletter that culminates in an in-person retreat in Pennsylvania in September. I'd like to have a mock-up of the picture book to show prospective agents, publishers, and art directors.


Have a great summer!

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